
If a function is not defined by DjaqQuery, then the function name is checked with a whitelist of functions. There are approximately 350 functions available. These are currently only supported for Postgresql and only those will work that don’t use syntax that is special to Postgresql. Additionally, the Postgis functions are only available if you have installed Postgis.

A user can define new functions at any time by adding to the custom functions. Here’s an example of adding a regex matching function:

from djaq import djaq_functions
djaq_functions["REGEX"] = "{} ~ {}"

Now find all book names starting with ‘B’:

DQ("Book", "name").where("regex(name, 'B.*')").go()

We always want to use upper case for the function name when defining the function. Usage of a function is then case-insensitive. You may wish to make sure you are not over-writing existing functions. “REGEX” already exists, for instance.

You can also provide a callable to DjaqQuery.functions. The callable needs to take two arguments: the function name and a list of positional parameters and it must return SQL as a string that can either represent a column expression or some value expression from the underlying backend.

In the following:

DQ("Book", "name").where("like(upper(name), upper({name_search}))").context({"name_search": name_search}).go()

like() is a Djaq-defined function that is converted to field LIKE string. Whereas upper() is sent to the underlying database because it’s a common SQL function. Any function can be created or existing functions mutated by updating the DjaqQuery.functions dict where the key is the upper case function name and the value is a template string with {} placeholders. Arguments are positionally interpolated.

Above, we provided this example:

DQ("Book", """
   sum(iif(rating < 5, rating, 0)) as below_5,
   sum(iif(rating >= 5, rating, 0)) as above_5

We can simplify further by creating a new function. The IIF function is defined like this:


We can create a SUMIF function like this:

from djaq import djaq_functions
djaq_functions['SUMIF'] = "SUM(CASE WHEN {} THEN {} ELSE {} END)"

Now we can rewrite the above like this:

DQ("Book", """
    sumif(rating < 5, rating, 0) as below_5,
    sumif(rating >= 5, rating, 0) as above_5

Here’s an example providing a function:

def concat(funcname, args):
    """Return args spliced by sql concat operator."""
    return " || ".join(args)

DjaqQuery.functions['CONCAT'] = concat